ABU DHABI, Al-Jundi journal issued by the UAE Ministry of Defence has published its new October 2022 issue No. 585.
Through its latest issue published in both Arabic and English, the journal using research and analysis touched on several vital issues and topics, as well as the most important events and news related to the Ministry of Defence and the UAE Armed Forces.
Under the title “Al-Jundi .. 49 years of giving”, Al-Jundi said in its editorial, “On the 1st of October, Al-Jundi journal celebrated the 49th anniversary of the release of its first issue on October 1, 1973, per the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, which guided the magazine to success and progress, making it a scientific edifice that plays a distinguished role in the media and on a cultural level.”
Adding that Al-Jundi would not have reached this status if it weren’t for the success factors and conditions, most prominent of which is the great support of the wise leadership of the UAE, as well as the fertile environment provided by the founder of the UAE the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan for the media, who always said, “The measure of countries is not wealth or money, as money is only a means to achieving great ends that can only be realised by science.”
Furthermore, on its 49th anniversary a year before celebrating its golden jubilee, Al-Jundi reaffirmed that it is well on the way to excellence with confidence and competence, looking to the future with optimism and ambition, full of belief in its role and mission, and looking forward to giving everything in service of this dear country that never skimped on anything its children needed, inspired by the insightful and sound vision of our wise leadership.
The new issue of “Al-Jundi” touches on the most prominent political, military, and security events, weapon news, as well as scientific and technological developments achieved by modern technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) in the military field.
Al-Jundi’s main file section of the October 2022 issue came titled “Washington unveils plan to develop Satellites to track hypersonic missiles”.
In its “Studies and Analysis” section, Al-Jundi offered a study titled “The Future of Artillery in Modern Warfare”, in addition to another study titled “The French military and strategic presence in Africa Retreat or Reframing?”
Al-Jundi also included an interview with “Matthew Krempin”, Product Line Director for Early Warning pursuits within Raytheon Missiles & Defense, where he spoke about Early Warning Radars (EWR) and the pivotal role they play in countering various threats.
The Journal dedicated sections for the opinions and analyses of elite Emirati and Arab writers discussing various issues and matters of interest to readers.
Founded in 1973, Al Jundi’s first issue was published in October, covering the news and activities of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates, and through a set of distinguished writers and experts in defence and security from around the world, Al-Jundi publishes studies, research, reports, and specialised military files, dealing with research and analysis many vital issues and topics of interest for its followers in the UAE, the Arab region and the world.
To achieve these goals and meet the desires of readers and followers, “Al-Jundi” dedicates important sections to investigations and interviews with high-ranking military and civilian figures who are well known all over the world.
To enrich the cultural and scientific scene, Al-Jundi journal publishes through its various sections, cultural, economic, medical, and sports reports, and topics, and annually issues multiple supplements, keeping pace with the most important events in the UAE, and through its printed version, its website (Aljundi.ae) and its digital platforms (@aljundijournal), the journal is keen on monitoring and keeping up with every update in the world of military media.
Since its inception, Al-Jundi journal has built strong relationships and strategic partnerships with various manufacturers and producers in the military sector locally, regionally, and globally, through its continuous annual participation in the most important military exhibitions and local, Arab, and international conferences, where it provides comprehensive media coverage, keeping pace with events and meeting the needs of readers and followers in modern styles and designs through the printed journal, daily bulletins, website, social media platforms, and multimedia.
Source: Emirates News Agency