
Global FoodTech Challenge announces 12 finalists from 8 countries

ABU DHABI, Following a rigorous and highly anticipated process to identify the most cutting-edge agri-tech and foodtech solutions in the market today, 12 start-ups have been announced as finalists of the second edition of the FoodTech Challenge.

Selected from an initial submission of 667 applications across 79 countries, and then a further shortlist of 30, the 12 finalists now move to the concluding stage, where four start-ups will be selected to win the competition’s pooled prise of up to US$2 million.

The FoodTech Challenge seeks to find the next wave of technology innovations on the cusp of transforming traditional agricultural practices efficiently and sustainably. With interest from start-ups representing a range of geographies, the final 12 come from markets across the UAE, Israel, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, the UK, and the USA.

The solutions they explore span food production (5 finalists), including game-changing fog-based technology to deliver more nutritious crops using 95% less water, using insects to convert food waste into inputs for livestock and crop farming in order to support food production, growing plant-based protein on non-arable land, and optimising soil quality to maximise watering efficiency.

Responding to the second track of the competition, which addresses the challenge of food loss and waste (7 finalists), the innovative solutions include AI- and IoT-powered systems to minimise and quantify waste at individual and industrial levels, high-visibility and non-destructive quality control systems for fresh produce, new freezing technology enabling frozen foods to retain their original taste and nutritional value, ethylene control solutions to increase the longevity of produce, upcycling vegetable waste into sustainable protein ingredients, and intercepting near-expiry food to produce cost-effective and accessible meals.

As part of the finalist phase, the selected start-ups have been enrolled in a six-week mentorship program with key local stakeholders in the UAE to provide them with insightful detail about the country’s agricultural ecosystem and maximise their opportunity to integrate and establish successfully. Mentoring will be delivered by previous winners of the FoodTech Challenge, the competition’s partners, and key players in the agritech ecosystem, including the Ministry of Climate Change & Environment (MOCCAE), lead partner Aspire and track partners Silal, ADQ and the Emirates Foundation, as well as enablement partners Abu Dhabi Global Market, Competitiveness Office Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Residents Office, Hub71, Khalifa Fund, Ma’an and Catalyst.

Dr. Agnes Kalibata, President, AGRA, former UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to the 2021 Food Systems Summit and a finale judge for the FoodTech Challenge, stated: “As a long-term advocate for the power of public-private partnerships to address food security challenges, I am delighted to see the UAE actively searching for foodtech and agritech solutions to invest in, incubate and ultimately help accelerate and scale. The start-ups in this competition could have solutions that are applicable in other regions with similar climatic conditions. This reinvigorates my determination to support sustainable agricultural transformation and the entrepreneurs who have the courage and acumen to solve these challenges.”

Danielle Nierenberg, President of Food Tank and a finale judge for the Challenge, said: “It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of the FoodTech Challenge, a competition seeking to alleviate one of the most pressing global challenges of our time: how to secure food supplies and ensure the global community is healthily nourished. I am incredibly excited at the opportunity to support this year’s cohort of finalists and to be exposed to fresh and innovative thinking from a range of perspectives and geographies.”

The final four winners of the competition will be selected by nine finale judges from a wide range of backgrounds and areas of expertise.

The list of finale judges includes Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri, Minister of Climate Change and the Environment and Co-Chair of the FoodTech Challenge; Rima Al Mokarrab, Chair of Tamkeen and Co-Chair of the FoodTech Challenge; HRH Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud, Founder and CEO of KBW Ventures; Faisal Al Bannai, Secretary-General of Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC); Badr Al Olama, Acting CEO of Hub 71; Dr. Agnes Kalibata, President of Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA); David Rosenberg, CEO and Co-Founder of AeroFarms; Dr. Uma Valeti, CEO of UPSIDE Foods; and Danielle Nierenberg, President of Food Tank.

Source: Emirates News Agency

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