
Negev Forum Working Groups meeting begins in Abu Dhabi

ABU DHABI, The first Negev Forum Working Groups Meeting began today in Abu Dhabi in the presence of representatives of the six member states, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, Israel, and the United States, with the aim of further building bridges of communication and dialogue and promoting peaceful coexistence throughout the region.

The Negev Forum Working Groups Meeting is an outcome of the March 2022 Negev Ministerial Meeting.

The Negev Forum seeks to enhance cooperation between countries and advance the interests of the peoples of the region, including the Palestinian people.

The UAE continues to support the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights, including the establishment of an independent Palestinian state according to the June 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Convened against the backdrop of the Abraham Accords, the Negev Forum will serve as a regional cooperation platform established by the six member states based on the shared objectives of promoting regional growth, stability, and prosperity; supporting the interests of all countries in the region and enhancing sustainable development; and providing solutions to existing challenges in order to achieve a better future for coming generations.

The Working Groups Meeting is slated to last for two days, during which opportunities for joint cooperation in a number of areas will be discussed.

Participating countries have committed to advancing joint efforts in the areas of food security, water technology, clean energy, tourism, healthcare, education, coexistence, and regional security.

Source: Emirates News Agency

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