A Palestinian official on Wednesday lauded His Majesty King Abdullah’s great role in safeguarding Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.
Palestinian Chief Justice and advisor to the Palestinian president for religious affairs and Islamic relations, Mahmoud Habbash gave his remarks in a meeting with head of the Jordanian representation office in Palestine, Ambassador Mohammad Abu Wendi.
The meeting discussed developments of the Palestinian cause, especially the issue of Jerusalem and the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in light of the escalation of Israeli attacks, including incursions, closures, and denial of access to it, and the consequences of Judaization project in Nasser Salah El-Din Street.
Habbash stressed the importance of coordinating with the Kingdom to save the human and historical heritage in Jerusalem, which the occupying power is trying to change, distort and destroy to implement plans to Judaize the city and impose a false and fake reality in it.
Source: Jordan News Agency