
Strategies, plans to promote wellbeing reviewed

ABU DHABI, The participants of the Government Network Meeting of Happiness and Well-being CEOs reviewed models of government strategies and plans that were aligned with the National Well-being Strategy 2031. During the meeting, the Ministry of Interior highlighted its strategy of well-being and security while the Ministry of Health and Prevention focused on its strategic plan for healthy well-being in addition to the latest developments of the National Well-being Survey 2022 were presented.

The meeting was attended by 40 members of the Government Network of Happiness & Well-being CEOs representing different government authorities and entities all over the UAE.

Amal Al Balooshi, Chair of Wellbeing Team at the Ministry of Community Development, delivered a presentation about the latest updates of the National Well-being Survey 2022, the results which will be announced during the coming period and circulated to various entities and sectors, for the purpose of working on its recommendations and linking them to well-being initiatives that contribute to the progress of the well-being index.

She also stressed the importance of the role of CEOs in enhancing well-being and achieving the objectives of the National Well-being Strategy 2031 in the sectors of education, health, community, economy, housing, human resources and government services, in accordance with the challenges and developments that are monitored periodically by the National Well-being Survey, which are aligned with initiatives, programs and policies that will improve well-being in order to achieve a positive impact in support of well-being in the UAE.

The meeting also discussed the working methods of the Happiness and Well-being CEOs during the next phase in collaboration with government authorities for the aim of launching well-being initiatives that respond to current challenges and achieve the best results in support of the vision of development and progress.

In line with the National Well-being Strategy 2031, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Omar Al-Shehhi, Director of the Research and Development Center at the Ministry of Interior, reviewed the Ministry of Interior’s well-being security strategy and the role of security in achieving the well-being of the community.

The Ministry of Interior’s well-being security strategy comes in line with the vision of “the UAE to be the best country in the world in achieving security and safety”, and the working methods of effectively and efficiently to enhance the well-being of the community by providing security and safety services in smart ways and an environment that stimulates innovation in order to maintain lives of people and properties based on (7) values: justice, teamwork, positive citizenship, excellence and innovation, loyalty, integrity, and good communication.

Dr. Aisha Al Muhairi, Director of Well-being Office at the Ministry of Health and Prevention, also reviewed the healthy wellbeing strategy plan which included several initiatives aimed at enhancing well-being governance, achieving the objectives of strategic indicators, improving health, physical, psychological, institutional and school well-being, disseminating and consolidating the culture and practices of healthy wellbeing among individuals and within the society.

The strategic plan focuses on a set of programs that promote a healthy well-being based on the principles of: physical health to promote individual and community behaviors, encourage and adopt a healthy and active lifestyle for better physical health, mental health to stimulate initiatives, interventions and services that ensure good mental health, the need to focus on combating mental disorders such as stress, anxiety, depression and lack of sleep, enhance access to mental health services for all the members of the society to improve well-being in different backgrounds and environments and among various members of the society to raise the level of health satisfaction.

The Government Network of Happiness and Well-being CEOs is one of the main driven well-being factors in the federal and local government, as its members work to align the efforts, initiatives and plans within the National Well-being Agenda with the aim of improving the well-being of the UAE community members to achieve the objectives of the National Well-being Strategy 2031.

Source: Emirates News Agency

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